Dr Gina Theodoridis graduated from Semmelweis University Dental School in 1996. In 2000 she completed her Orthodontic Specialty in New York University with the award for the best postgraduate resident (L. Jerrold Award for Clinical Excellence).
She has been certified in Invisalign treatment and practices this technique since 2001.
Our office is conveniently located in Kifissia, in a green scenery adjacent to the Kifissia Park (Alsos) and a few steps from the terminal train station (Kifissia stop) and the local bus stop (Platanos stop, line 550 Piraias-Kifissia). Due to our easily accessible location, we see patients from most areas of Attica and also from out of town.
Before your visit, do no hesitate to call us for directions for your easy access.
Your beautiful smile
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Your child’s first orthodontic visit should take place no later than age seven. The sooner an orthodontic problem is diagnosed, the smaller the intervention that will be needed at a later age. Moreover, today’s colorful or almost invisible orthodontic appliances designed for kids and our teenage patients make their orthodontic treatment a truly pleasant experience.
-Learn moreHaving treated millions of patients worldwide, this incredible technique has been resulting in beautiful smiles for our adult and teenage patients during the last ten years. This is achieved by a series of clear, almost invisible removable membranes (aligners) that make orthodontic treatment comfortable and discreet without interfering with your day-to day life. If you are ready to transform your smile with the maximum comfort, Invisalign is your answer.
-Learn moreThe products we use are manufactured in the USA. We do not use any recycled appliances.
Titanium brackets (Οrmco, Titanium Orthos™ ΙΙ) is the appliance of our choice for the treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances.